It’s August, and September will be here before we know it. Today, we are officially 85 days from election day. As we count down to this critical election, I plan on keeping you informed with regular newsletters.

We have made some important progress in the campaign so far. My campaign team and I are working hard to reach out to local voters and encourage them to vote absentee in this unique election season.

In our most recent day of action, we gathered over 20 volunteers in-person and online to make calls to Pocatello voters. We made over 850 calls and helped over 50 people request their absentee ballots for the November 3rd election.

If you haven’t requested your absentee ballot yet, I ask that you visit the link below. In just a few clicks, you can apply to receive your ballot in September. During these unpredictable times, it is the safest, easiest, and most certain option.

Beginning in August, we will be scheduling weekly volunteer sessions. If you’d like to join our efforts, sign up for more information at the link below.

In addition to doing voter outreach, I’m also meeting with local officials, teachers, business leaders and others to learn about the challenges they are facing and what the legislature can do to help.

Outside of the election, I’m also spending time outdoors. Wendy and I recently returned from Redfish Lake where we spent time with family and are looking forward to heading to Island Park shortly to see more family. Life is always good on a hiking trail, a fishing stream, or mountain lake. I hope all of you are getting away and spending time with your families.

James Ruchti